This article will explain how to look at the average number of pages viewed by your shoppers based on Source/Mediums.
Step 1: Navigate to Orbee Platform > Analytics > Analyze tab > Drilldown.
Step 2: Click on the funnel icon and select +New Filter.
Step 3: Type in Source and then type in your Source. Here, we chose Facebook.
You will repeat this step, but instead typing in Medium. For the Medium, we picked the carousel source.
Step 4: lick the columns icon, and select Customize Columns.
Step 5: Under the Metrics section, you will need to select Avg Num Pages. Click Apply once you have selected the metric.
Note: You should also make sure in the selected columns, you only have Source, Medium, and Avg Num Pages selected. You can remove the other metrics or dimensions on the right-hand column labeled "Your Selected Columns" by clicking on the X.
Step 6: You should be able to see the average number of pages for your specific source/medium in the Visits Drilldown Details once you click Apply.