How Conversion Tools Are Deployed

This article goes over the three types of conversion tools that are commonly set up on dealerships' websites.

There are 3 ways conversion tools are deployed:


  • A native conversion tool is directly hosted on your dealership's website and is fully controlled by your dealership.
  • These tools are easier to track using analytics without needing special permissions.
  • Native conversion tools typically appear as form elements, where users enter their information directly on your site.


  • iFrames are isolated webpages inside of a dealer's webpage
  • Analytics does not have immediate access to these iFrame and require special access
    • Without access to the iFrame, we are not able to track any conversions that happen in these iFrame
  • Orbee can create event syncs that allow a dealer's native webpage to sync with the iFrame, thus allowing tracking for analytics

Different Domain

  • Conversion tools that are on different domains are first located on your dealer's webpage, but then is linked to another webpage on a different domain
    • A visitor may click on a button or link that leads to a different domain that has the conversion tool and is the domain does not belong to the dealer
  • When the conversion tool links to a different domain, Orbee and other analytics tools will need to request access to these domains to have the ability to track any conversions that come from those different domains.