Timeline provides an overview of visitor activity and conversion data to help you track and filter conversions in chronological order and access detailed shopper profiles.
Timeline Overview
The Timeline will show you the conversions in chronological order, starting with the beginning of the date range, and the last page being the end of the date range. To get to this view, navigate to the Orbee Platform > Analytics > Conversions.
Visitor Activity and Conversion Metrics
- Landing Page URL: The page where your visitor first entered.
- Converting Page URL: The page where your visitor completed a conversion action.
- Referrer: The URL that directed the visitor to your page (e.g., Google if found via search).
- Source: Where the user came from to access your site.
- Medium: How you delivered your message to the customers.
- Campaign: How you communicated your marketing efforts.
- Time Spent: Total time the visitor stayed on your website, including idle time.
- Time Engaged: Time spent actively clicking links and browsing your website.
- Number of Pages: The number of pages the visitor clicked on.
Understanding Conversions Timeline
There are three icons for each conversion types: Click to SMS,
Click to Call, and
Form Submission. In the example, the Form Submission icons are displayed on the left side, right next to the date.
The Conversion Type is displayed below the visitor ID. Instead of showing the visitor's name, an anonymous ID is used to protect customer privacy. Clicking the Visitor ID, hyperlinked and located under Form Submission will take you to the Shopper Profile section of the platform.
To filter by a specific Date, Source, Medium, Campaign, Conversion Type, Landing Page, or Conversion Page, use the filters button or the date range adjuster and select your desired options.