Group Comparison: Engagement Analysis

Engagement Analysis

Under the Group Comparison tab, we also have the Engagement Analysis section.

  • For the Engagement Analysis, the default display will be Conversion %. 
  • You will be comparing all the car dealerships in your groups and the percentage of customers that have completed a converting action.
  • To change the Comparison Metric, click the drop-down menu at the top right under the date range. Select Intent % or Bounce %. 

  • Below the bar graph, there is a table that displays a table of all the data for the Engagement Analysis. 

*Note: The blue, bold text indicates the current dealership you are looking at.

  • Clicking any of these metrics will take you to the Drilldown section of the Platform with more in-depth information about your customers' engagement.
  • If you would like to filter out these metrics, you can click on the funnel and select a specific filter. These filters include Paid Search, Organic Search, Social, Display, Email, and Other.

  • You can also export the file into a Microsoft Excel file (.csv) by clicking on the button with the down arrow.

Last Updated: June 5, 2020 11:17 AM

The next section of the Platform is the Conversion Analysis