What events and rules can be set up for the Pop-up Lead Form?

This article goes over the events and rules that can be set up for the Pop-up Lead Form.

Website Events

We can adjust the events and rules for displaying the Pop-up Lead Form based on:

Event Description
Is this a new visit for the shopper? You can choose to display the pop-up in a new visit or a returning visit.
Is it the shopper's 1st visit to the website? You can have the pop-up show when it is the shopper's first visit to the website.
What was the last page the shopper was on? If your shopper visits a specific page (ex. specials), the next page will display the pop-up, on the same visit.
What is the current page the shopper is on? The specific page that you would like the pop-up to show up for the visitor.
What was the first page of the visit to the website? This is referring to the landing page that you want the pop-up to show on.
What source brought this visit to the site? Your dealership can display the pop-up based on the source that your shopper came from.
What medium brought this visit to the site? If you'd like the pop-up displayed from a specific medium for your shopper, you can choose this option. 
What campaign brought this visit to the site? Your dealership can display the pop-up based on the campaign(s) that your shopper came from.
When the previous visit started If your visitor is a returning shopper, this helps you retarget users who visited during a certain time (ex. Holidays, sale, specific month) and they have come back to your website.
How many visits has this shopper had on the website? You can set a specific number of visits that a shopper has visited before showing the pop-up.

IP Restrictions

The IP Restriction is referring to which IP addresses you would like to filter from the Pop-up Lead Form. Typically, this would be the dealership's IP address so that the employees do not receive the pop-up.

Frequency Capping

Frequency capping refers to the number of times the pop-up is shown to your visitors or within a length of time.

Event Description
Cap Number

Cap Number refers to the number of times it can appear to a shopper on your website.

For example, the cap number is referring to how many times you want the pop-up to show for the shopper. You can set that the shopper will only see the pop-up a total of three times.

Time Period

For the time period, this is referring to how many times per day, hour, or minute you would like it to display for your website visitors. 

For example, you can have the time period frequency set as two times per day. It could also be two times per hour.

Last Updated: Jan 27, 2020 10:19 AM

If you have any questions or requests for the Pop-up Lead Form, please feel free to contact us!