Understanding Your Lead Reactivation Dynamic Report

The Lead Reactivation Report on your Platform Dashboard enables filtering of reactivated shoppers by date range and exporting of shopper lists with relevant information for dealership distribution or sales processes.

The Lead Reactivation Report is an essential Orbee product that delivers to your dealership shoppers who have come back after submitting a form. 

  • What this means is: the first time a shopper submits a form with their information, no email or alert will be received. We wait until the user revisits your website before sending an email containing the Lead Reactivation Report. 

‼️Because of the size of the data being pulled, there can be delays in load times for the report.The report functions best on 1-2 day time frames. Longer timeframes will experience delayed load times or sometimes may not load. Multiple refresh attempts may be necessary in these cases. 

View the Report 

  1. Sign in to Orbee
  2. From  the top menu, select Analytics 
  3. On the left, scroll down to Dashboards and select Lead Reactivation Report

Where the data comes from 

The Lead Reactivation report is sourced from Orbee First Party data or website data. This is the data that is collected via the Orbee script that is injected onto your website and within (vendor-approved) digital retailing tools and iframes. 

What page did your shoppers revisit?

This chart provides insight on the pages that your shoppers return to. 

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Reactivated Shoppers Vehicle of Interest

This table displays the vehicle of interest information of the reactivated shopper. The Shopper Profile clicks through to their profile on the Orbee Platform to allow you full visibility of their Shopper Journey. 

This table can be exported by hovering your cursor to the top-right most corner of the table (above ‘web-price’) and clicked on the horizontal three dots to expand the export options list. Once you select an option, it will download to your local desktop. 

Reactivated Shopper’s Page View Details 

This table provides insight on the page view details of the reactivated shopper. Providing visibility on the pages they had visited and how long they were engaged. This list can also be downloaded. 

LRR Shoppers

This is another raw data table view that is downloadable. It provides the shopper email and their first seen, last seen and submitted information dates. This data is helpful in understanding how long these shoppers have been a customer at your dealership.