Shoppers: Locations

Visitor Map

The last section under the Shoppers tab will be Locations

  • The Locations section will tell you information about your visitors' locations.

  • The default display will be the last full month (if the current month has not ended yet). You may also change the date range if needed.
  • To zoom in, press the + key on the map. To zoom out, press the - key. You can also scroll up or down to zoom in and out.
  • You will see a map with circles that represent each visitor that comes to your website.
    • The red circles represent over 100 visitors in that area.
    • The yellow circles represent 10-99 visitors.
    • The green circles represent 0-9 visitors from that area.
  • Below the map, you will see a table that includes Visitor ID, Visits, Address, City, Postal Code, Region, and Country.

  • The Visitor ID is an anonymous identification number for each visitor that browses your website.
  • Visits represent the number of times that the same visitor enters your website. 

Last Updated: June 10, 2020 10:21 AM

The next section is Website Leads.