Shopper Profiles



The Shopper Profile section within the Orbee platform's Shoppers tab provides valuable insights into your individual shoppers. Their engagement on your website can be tracked once they complete a form that includes their email, or both their email and phone number.


You can access the Shopper Profile by navigating to Shoppers > Leads > Web Leads > Shopper's Email.


General Shopper Information

Shows key information about your visitor, including their email address, phone number, and the dates when they were first and last seen on your website, and more.



Key Metrics


Displays the visitor's Visit Count, indicating the number of times they've visited your website, and the VDP View Count, showing the number of Vehicle Detail Pages (VDPs) they have viewed.



Source Medium

Reveals the primary sources and mediums through which the user arrived at your website, along with the corresponding number of visits for each source/medium.



Activity Timeline

Provides a detailed chronological overview of the visitor's engagement on your website. It includes information such as date and time of each visit, landing page, source/medium/campaign, pages viewed and their associated tags (e.g., VDP, SRP).

You can sort the Activity Timeline in ascending or descending order by clicking on the Sort button.



Key Events Tracked in the Activity Timeline:

  • Visit Started: This event marks the beginning of a user's session on your website. It provides the date and time of their initial arrival, serving as the starting point for tracking their subsequent actions.
  • Pageview Started: Each time a user visits a new page on your website, the Activity Timeline records this event. It captures the specific page visited, the source/medium/campaign that led them there, and any associated page tags (e.g., VDP, SRP).
  • Conversions: While the provided document doesn't explicitly mention the tracking of conversions, it's highly likely that the Activity Timeline includes this information. Conversions represent specific actions taken by a user that are valuable to your business, such as submitting a lead form, making a purchase, or requesting a service appointment.
  • Form Submitted: This event is recorded when a user completes and submits a form on your website. It signifies a higher level of engagement and interest from the user, as they are actively providing their information.

Note: The Activity Timeline uses color-coded visual cues to highlight key events in the customer journey. Green dots indicate the start of a website visit, while orange dots signify form submissions. These visual markers complement the timestamps, making it easier to identify and analyze specific actions within the timeline.







Indicates the lists or segments the shopper belongs to and the criteria for their segmentation. These lists help dealerships categorize leads based on various factors such as activity level, purchase history, and lead duration.



Vehicle Interest


Highlights the specific vehicle(s) the shopper is interested in, along with their preference for new or used cars.



Viewed Vehicle


Displays a list of the vehicles the shopper has viewed on your website. The list includes details such as the year, make, model, color, and VIN of each vehicle. You can adjust the number of rows displayed on this card and navigate between pages using the arrow buttons.