Analytics: Source Medium

Source Medium Overview


The Source Medium includes detailed metrics and analysis for each source and medium. You can access this page by by navigating to the Orbee Platform > Analytics > Analyze > Source Medium. The default date displayed in the Source Medium section of the Orbee Platform is the previous month, and if the current month is incomplete, it will also show the current month. 

At the top, you'll see the Total Visits along with the percentage change compared to the previous month. On the right side, the date range is shown along with a date drop-down selection tool. You can choose from the following options:
    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 30 Days
    • Current Month
    • Last Month
    • Custom Range: Enable a second date range box by checking the "Custom Compare Date" option, then select your custom dates on the calendar.


Your source/mediums will display below the date range selector and the Total Visits.

  • There will be Intent Rate, Conversion Rate, True Bounce Rate, Total Visitors, and Total Visits metrics for you to compare to the Source/Mediums that are shown here. 
  • If you need to select another page, you may click the page number that you would like to go to. You can also click the ">" symbol to go one page forward, or you can select the ">>" symbol to look at the last page of the source/medium list.
  • You can also click "<" to go back a page or "<<" to go all the way back to the front.
  • The default display for the source/medium list is Classified. This means that these are the campaigns that have the URL intentionally tagged so we can track the metrics.
  • If you click Show All, it will show all of the campaigns, including ones that are unintentionally tagged.
  • On the top right of the Source/Medium table, you will see Metric Display with the options for Rates and Counts. If you would prefer to see the number of visitors that are Out of Market, with Intent, Conversion number, and the number of users who bounced, you can select Counts

  • You can also use the search bar to find the exact source or medium you are looking for by typing in the name.
  • You can take a closer look at the data if you click on the name or icon of the source/medium itself. From there, you will be able to look at the Campaign Performance about each source/medium.
  • If you click on the metric numbers or rates, it will take you to the Drilldown section of the Platform with the raw data of that metric and its source/medium.
  • Looking at this Facebook source/mediumthere are a few numbers we need to look at to better understand how these metrics work. 
    • The percentages are not increased or decreased by adding or subtracting, but rather by percentage differences.
      • For example: If you had 100 Visitors last month, and this month you had 200 Visitors, that would mean that there was a 100% increase on your Visitors from the past month. 

Last Updated: June 8, 2020 11:45 AM

Now that you are done reading about source/mediumsyou should go take a look at Campaign Performance.